Thursday, September 14, 2017


We have made it to the land of mushing dreams.  We now have 5 acres of wooded property on the Big Lake, Knik and Iditarod (historic, not current racing) trail access.  Snow is just beginning to creep down the mountains and a sense of excitement is in the air for me and the dogs.  They sense it, the darkening days and the descent into winter, and the cooler weather has them antsy and unwilling to come indoors.  The mountains loom impressively, showing off their new dusting of white.  To the west and north, the Alaska Range, north and east the Talkeetna mountains, to the east and south Chugach mountains and to the south, Kenai mountains.  You can't imagine the panorama.  Much like the Grand Canyon, Alaska must be experienced to do it justice.  The majesty and beauty of this land is beyond compare. 

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