Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29th Wind!

Freya is being a little cutie pie Jim tells me. She noticed he was out of bed, ran inside low howling, jumped in his lap and began showering him with puppy kisses. She's been hanging with him since he got up, low howling anytime she thinks he's not paying enough attention to her. She's such a silly little sweet girl!

She has come so very far from the skittish pup that wouldn't let anyone touch her six months ago! It is really a great thing to see her adjusted and loving on Jim and James. It makes all the effort to teach and train her so worthwhile!

Unfortunately I didn't get to run the dogs last night. Wind had blown down the back wall of my shed in the works, and there were many things to do and discuss. Plus me being tired from work didn't help much. But the weather has taken a cold turn and the dogs are excited!

I definitely want to take them out tonight when I get home, and judging by Freya's antics, she's more than eager to get out there!

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